Thursday 4 March 2010

Urban Environments

After previously photographing a series of rural and urban locations, I decided to continue with this theme and photograph more vibrant urban locations. I have taken these photographs because I feel that they portray the real 'hustle and bustle' of large cities and urban environments.

I particularly like my photograph of the Eiffel Tower. I have edited the image using photoshop to enhance some of the colours; I think that by doing this, I have turned a 'nice' photograph of the Eiffel Tower into a much more bright and interesting photograph. I have done the same with two of my other photographs below. I think that by enhancing the natural colours within a photograph, it makes the eye travel around the photograph more. It has a slight cartoon and non-realistic effect which I quite like also.

I really like my photograph above; I love the bright colours which I enhanced using photoshop and also the angle and how the whole street is seen. It makes the photograph look more realistic and 'pop' out of the page. I also like how I have made the bright colours of the traffic lights very bold and they are right at the front of the picture.