Monday 12 October 2009

Locations - Beach - Declan McCullagh

I have always enjoyed visiting different beaches and walking on different sands. I also feel that beach scenes can be very interesting to photograph. I recently went on holiday to Spain where the beaches were so clean and serene and very inspirational. I then saw some of Declan McCullagh's images of a beach and footprints in the sand. I feel that they relate well to my own photographs (shown below). Declan McCullagh's images are shown above.

Location - Cliffs

I saw the photograph above, taken by Declan McCullagh, of cliffs at a small private beach which inspired me to photograph the images below. I have always been intrigued by rock formations and cliffs so i really enjoyed photographing them. I like how the different layers in the rock forms different shapes and light adds tone and different colours to the rock.